Knight Fall
He watched the knight come into the valley from atop a high ledge. Pumas are generally not very good at hunting during the daytime, as their prey tend to have very sharp eyes, and spot a big cat like the puma easily, camouflage or not. They might be sleek and stealthy, but the sneakiest of them wouldn't try to bring down a man as well hung as this one, with his metal breast plate, ridiculous helm and other assorted paraphernelia decorating his body.
Night fell quickly enough, and the knight set up camp in front of a grassy knoll. He started his fire, and that was when the puma decided to make his move. Running half crouched, he made the distance to the knight with all the stealthiness he could muster, and, finally satisfied that the meal was right where he wanted him, put on a final spurt of speed, expecting to hit the unfortunate man with the full force of his six feet long 250-pound body.
Unprecedentedly, he missed, however, and ended up snapping his teeth in mid air where the knight should be. With a snarl, he realised that he had misjudged, and the knight was now bearing upon him with his sword and with a mighty swish just managed to miss the very tip of his tawny tail. He lighted out of there like a cat out of hot water.

Back in his lair, he wondered what had gone wrong, and just before nodding off to sleep, his subconcious supplied him with the answer - The knight is darkest before the lawn.
"We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it - and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again---and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore." -- Mark Twain
nuke me?

� 1998 Vertical Imagineering 'N Co. - We Engineer Epiphanies