My faults are plenty. Sigh. Life's a bitch. But since I'm being philosophical about it anyways, I don't mind being candid while I'm at it...
1. Chronic procrastination
That's right. I seldom get a job done ahead of time. I live in the eleventh hour, in the hour of need. Anything not worth doing isn't worth starting. Thus this web-site. Because there is the danger of everything falling into the isn't-worth-starting category.
2. Too many projects/thoughts going simultaneously; trouble with follow-through.
All my friends say "YES, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE HAS ~!" I start one project and as soon as I attain the littlest amount of achievement, I let it drop. The thrill of the project is gone. My interest, kapoof. If you need me to work, try not to make me happy.
3. Low tolerance for frustration.
Well, I don't suffer fools lightly. Nor do I often take failure in my stride, I think I have an inability to give up. This goes hand in hand with -
4. Mood swings, depression, restlessness.
Yes, I get those things often. Am I starting to sound neurotic already? I get blood-sugar fluctuations too.
5. Chronic problems with self-esteem.
Now I'm starting to depress myself.
6. Inaccurate self observation.
And lastly, poor impulse control.
All this makes my life a lot less dull than anyone else's, even if I don't go out a lot. It'd be a mistake to say I have no life. I have enough of it, far too much in fact.

Now it wouldn't be fair for you to only know my faults, right? After all, I'm only trying to be candid and philosophical. I don't need the depression bit. So here's a list of my good stuff.
A Candid (albeit short) List of my Good Qualities.
1. Chronic procrastination
Minimum time spent working reaps maximum results. Thanks to hyper-focus.
2. Too many projects/thoughts going simultaneously; trouble with
I put a hundred percent into what I start. I'm a perfectionist. I have the ability to hyperfocus on whatever project has caught my interest until I am satisfied with its completion. Mealtimes
don't stand a chance.
3. Low tolerance for frustration/ 4. Mood swings, depression, restlessness.
The other side of the swing: I'm more creative than I would be without my mood swings, restlessness, and depressions. I'm not very smart, therefore I compensate in other ways.
5. Chronic problems with self-esteem.
I'm working on it.
6. Inaccurate self observation.
And lastly, poor impulse control.
I live in the present, and may thus have a very bad sense of time perception and relation to external events. Wait, that sounded like a bad point. Actually its a good point too, but its also bad, because sometimes I mix up imaginary events with events that actually took place... and may place events that happened last night as happening three months ago. But lets stick to the good stuff. Let's see, I'm curious, intuitive, non-conformist, got a sense of humour, and some more that I can't remember. Oh, I don't need therapy, too.
Plus, on top of all this, I'm also candid and philosophical.
If you call that good stuff.
The Razor's Edge
Relevant Links posted in this panel...its also my little gallery.
Blowing my own horn.
You know what's the scariest thing about people who have websites? It indicates that they have too much free time ~! This here's my brain test results, recorded for all posterity ( and to serve as an aide memoire ).
Brain Boss Test Result
"Vinc, you exhibit balanced hemispheric dominance and a strong visual preference. It is the intensity of your sensory preference which may more determine your learning style.
The balance of left- and right- hemispheric usage is very helpful to a highly visual learner. You absorb your environment, selecting out details and simultaneously embedding them in a context, an overall perspective which adds nuances of meaning. Given the prodiguous rate that you input information, you naturally utilize the services of both hemispheres more or less equally.
You are active and searching, which produces energy. Because you can process multiple inputs comfortably, you do not experience the indecision of a person with mixed sensory preference. You are able to focus on more than one aspect of a situation and push for resolution.
You can tolerate ambiguity, which is good, since you will experience a lot of it due to your input style. While a part of you will always seek completion, the other part will accept the process as it is. You may occasionally get impatient with yourself. You will always be able to work through problems in a logical sequence or given order, but you will have other options available to you as well.
You may find that you have insufficient time to reflect on your experiences, and thus lose a sense of meaning, not appreciating your "inner being" as much as you might otherwise.
Many people would envy your combination of characteristics. Constantly seeking stimulation, you are artistic without needing to be peculiar, an active learner and yet reasonably logical and disciplined.
Odd, odd, odd."